Terry Morse DNM DHS
Morse Wellness Founder
Health Educator
Naturopathic Practitioner
Terry has been a well known and respected national health educator in naturopathic medicine for over 50 years. In our menu Education - YouTube Channel see her podcast series interview on "How to Achieve Wellness" by Steve Harper of the Business News Network.

Val Foley LPN CNHP
Morse Wellness
Nutrition Coach
SOLEX AO Scan Practitioner
Val is a certified Holistic Health Practitioner (CHHP) through Trinity College. She is extensively trained and proficient in interpreting the SOLEX AO Scan Frequency Technology.

Vicki VanSchoiack CNHP RN
Certified Emotion Code
Body Code and
SOLEX AO Scan Practitioner
Have you done all the “right things,” and not been able to breakthrough your health or emotional barriers? The Body Code could be the missing piece which Vicki uses to identify and correct imbalances that inhibit us from reaching the balanced state where we can truly thrive.

Nancy Haack MA AuD
Transformation Coach
Transform Triumph Thrive: Your Journey to the Ultimate You. With my guidance and support you can meet your goals and unlock your desires through achieving whole body health with nutrition.

Nancy Johnson RNC BS
Insightful Health
QNRT Practitioner
What health concerns do you have? Do you know these may be caused by past or present traumas stored in your body? Did you know these traumas can lead to physical breakdowns and imbalances?