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are you enslaved

by trapped emotions?

Are you tired of “talking about it"?

Have you tried to move past difficult issues without being able to truly let go?

What if you could shed the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying around, without having to relive it or open old wounds?

There is an emotional aspect to all disease. Emotions contribute to depression and anxiety disorders. Emotions can be the catalyst that create other imbalances in the body.

How can we prevent collecting trapped emotions?
With Solex Inner Voice Scans using 10-minute Balancing Harmonics.

Unharmonious energies from past traumas (physical or emotional)  can create an imbalance in our bodies, often contributing to physical discomfort, emotional turmoil, and illness. I use remote energy healing to identify and remove harmful toxic energies. These could be emotional, structural, or pathogenic. The Body Code can also identify other necessary nutrition and lifestyle needs. Thus, balance is restored in the body, allowing physical and/or emotional healing.

During a session, I use remote muscle testing, following a series of charts to find the exact imbalance that needs correction. I use the body’s magnetic field to release trapped emotions or correct imbalances. 

Muscle testing can be used to tap into the subconscious mind to answer questions about physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s a noninvasive method designed to determine the potential underlying causes of ailments and discomfort – everything from nutritional needs to trapped emotions.

How can we prevent collecting trapped emotions? The best solution I’ve found is sound therapy. Solex Inner Voice Scan takes 10 minutes by phone and gives 10-minute Balancing Harmonics for you to listen to at will. The Solex AO Scan technology is available to all of us, it’s not just for professionals. If you’d like more information on how I use the Solex AO Scan to help my family daily and how you can too, please email me – I would love to share this with you!

Learn more about Solex AO Scan here and here.

Correcting underlying imbalances helps the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and malfunction in the body often disappear, the organs function as they should, nutrients are better absorbed, energy levels can be increased, and emotional issues become manageable or even resolved!

I offer two types of remote appointments: email or phone. 

A remote email session is great for the person who wants to go about their day while I work on them, who has many other appointments/small kids at home/unpredictable schedule, AND who does not want to participate in the process of finding and releasing/correcting the imbalances and emotions.

A remote phone session involves having the client on the phone while the session occurs. This allows clients to ask questions during the process. When an emotion is identified, the client may wish to know if this was related to a certain event/person in their life, what age they were, etc. These are questions to which we usually get an answer during a session; however, I cannot get reliable answers once those emotions are released.  

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In only one session

Our incredible angsty teenage boy was getting no relief from therapy, and in one emotion code session with Vicki, things turned around for him.  He has made great strides and now comes and asks to have emotion and body code done on him when he needs it.


Nancy M

Helped me tremendously

Vicki has helped me tremendously as I’ve navigated some personal challenges this past year. My children and I have all had work done and we’ve been able to process and release emotions in a way that allows us to experience life so richly. I highly recommend her for anyone and everyone.

BK, South Dakota

Nothing short of miraculous and life-changing

The emotion code and body code work that Vicki has performed on our family has been nothing short of miraculous and life-changing. We’ve all benefited positively from the healing effects of this work. Especially our daughters, ages 6 and 4. They were deeply affected by the death of their baby brother and within a year this had manifested in physical symptoms for both of them. After two sessions on each of them, all physical symptoms and discomfort disappeared and they had a lighter, happier air about them. We are so grateful to Vicki for lending herself to this healing modality and to God who is the source of all strength and healing.


TF in BC, Canada

Vicki VanSchoiack CNHP RN has 24 years of nursing experience, mainly medical, surgical, and emergency nursing in a hospital setting. She is a Certified Natural Health Professional and certified in Emotion Code and Body Code. Vicki was first exposed to natural health in 2007 when she had a complicated pregnancy and the medical field offered few options.

In 2020 Vicki knew there was more that could be done for her suffering patients and pursued certification in Natural Health through the Trinity School of Natural Health. While studying to support the physical body and it’s natural functions, she felt especially drawn to Emotion Code, Body Code, and the AO Scan because of the profound effect emotions and frequencies have on health. She loves sharing what she has learned, learning, and empowering others.

Vicki uses the Emotion Code, Body Code, Solex AO Scans, remote muscle testing, and information from her clients to identify and correct as many imbalances as possible and to help her clients create a plan that supports their bodies, so that the body may return to a balanced and healthy state.

Vicki lives near De Smet, South Dakota (the Little Town on the Prairie) with her husband and 6 of their 13 children, dogs, cows, and chickens. She loves sunshine, spending time with family and friends, learning, swimming, and a really good cup of coffee.

Contact Vicki CNHP RN

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